There are many reasons companies hire us to redesign and redevelop their websites. For example, some companies are focused on looking more professional, contemporary, slick, etc. Others want to be more user-friendly or functional. Some have just outgrown their current layout or identity. All of these are good reasons to redesign your website but there are many more.

In no particular order here are a few more:

Screen Size –

Many older websites were designed for smaller dimensions. That means your site is not taking advantage of the available real estate on newer monitors. Maybe you don’t need more content but more space means a cleaner more user-friendly experience. A bigger canvas allows for much more creativity!

Code quality –

Websites need to be W3C-compliant to ensure that people can view them correctly. Most companies don’t take into account what is “under the hood”. The code of a site is what makes the site render and function properly when it is opened in a browser. A large majority of older sites have too much white space in the code which slows down load times. Some sites have too much unnecessary code before content and this pushes the important content to a point where search engines stop looking. Less is more!

CSS vs. Table Layouts –

CSS layouts should be used for ALL website layouts and tables should ONLY be used to display tabular data. Many older sites are structured using tables rather than modern CSS methods; this slows load times, increases bandwidth usage, and hurts search engine results. At least 75-percent of code should be content, with the balance being code. Older table layouts take up much more space and kill this ratio, which in turn hurts your search engine results. Table layouts also create more maintenance issues and costs, and are more fragile than CSS layouts.


All roads lead back to SEO. As mentioned earlier, certain code detracts from the way a search engine will rank a site. Besides the quality of the code, your content and code tags need to be scrutinized for best results. If your site was built before you heard of SEO, chances are that it probably needs SEO. We fix many sites that do not even have the bare minimum for SEO.

If any of these reasons concern you, then you are a good candidate for our complementary website assessment.